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A Courageous Heart


(3rd book in the "Hero at Heart" Series)

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A Courageous Heart

~Plot Synopsis~


Thireen-year-old Emiline Elmwood wants to be courageous. She dreams of daring battles and heroic missions. But that doesn't keep her from feeling afraid when her simple life in the West takes a perilous turn. As she and her friend Peter McDougall explore the wild woods, they find a little more adventure than they bargained for. Winter's storms become perilously cold, and there's something strange about the cave they find in the hills. The sense of coming danger makes Emiline feel uneasy. Could it just be her imagination? Or has something or someone been watching their every move? Danger lurks around every corner, and its enough to put both Emma and Peter on their guard. Will they be  brave enough to face their enemy? Or will they find their courage pushed to its limit and discover that only faith in Christ can strengthen them in their hour of peril?


Genre:   Christian, Historic Fiction, Mystery, Adventure

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Note From the Author

Poppy with Leaves

Courage: it's something I always daydreamed about as a kid. And in all of my imagining, I used to feel sure that if anything desperate happened, I would find it within myself to act courageously and save the day. But I've since discovered that all the dreams I used to build about courage were unattainable except through faith in Jesus Christ and submission to him.  We are weak, but He is strong. We don't always know how to handle a situation, but God saw that situation coming a long time ago and knows how it will end. Sometimes it takes more courage to simply have faith than it does to take control, trusting in your own capabilities or wisdom. And sometimes, the biggest trial of our courage will be that moment when we have to admit to a fault, or to a mistake we made. That's when we lean upon Jesus and rely on His strength to get us through.

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