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  • Writer's pictureT. S. Books

Work in Progress~ Illustrating a Children's Book.


I didn't know if I would get to illustrating my children's book yesterday or not. It was a full day of wonderful things like yardsale hopping and looking for King Boletes up in the hills.  But I finally squeaked it in! Here is the progress I am making on my spot illustration of Mrs. Wattleseed and Chestnut.

If all illustrations went by as quickly as this one has, I might have Huckleberry Pie published way before my deadline! This one only took me two days!

 But I know better. I have my work cut out for me still. Full illustrations will take longer to complete. Even so, I'm keeping hope that I may get this project wrapped up ahead of schedule!

I'm looking forward to starting the next illustration! Huckleberry Pie is a cozy woodland adventure for children of all ages! I'm hoping to have it finished and published by early autumn! We'll see if I can do it!

Now, here's a question for you: do people ever out-grow children's books? I know I haven't, haha! I think I love them more now than I even did when I was a kid. I could become a major children's book collector if given the chance!

Until next time, take care!

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